Friends from Switzerland and Australia reached out to assure that I am safe after a motley mob of Trump thugs stormed the center of the United States government. Trump has done his level best to turn my beloved country into a third-rate banana republic. He has been aided and abetted by a coterie of gutless sycophants at all levels of government. May they all be publicly shamed, forever associated with the library of images from January 6, 2020.
United States Capitol, January 6, 2020 |
Like their failed, disgraced, seditious buffoon-in-chief, these vulgar, rabid insurrectionist bumpkins seemed pretty poorly organized, thankfully incapable of accomplishing more than breaking things and behaving like a bunch of ill behaved adolescents. They were only able to breach the Capitol's perimeter because they are largely white, and cops are generally sympathetic to their cause. Had they been other-than-white, or other-than-trump, law enforcement would have brutally suppressed them as they did the Black Lives Matter protesters over the summer.
Though hardly an effective assault by a well trained militia, they posed a serious threat to our duly elected representatives, and thus to the people of the United States. Even mentally deficient incel clowns can be dangerous.
The parents of this vile, unenlightened rabble must be proud of having raised such stunted dolts. Not only do they have no honor, they don't even have manners. Shame on them and their families. But again like their defeated, ignominious leader, these losers aren't even dignified enough to feel shame.
Mouth breathing knuckle-dragger Richard Barnett insults the desk of the Speaker of the House of Representatives. May his family name be forever used as a synonym for "traitor". |
Time to put these benighted troglodytes back in the hole from which
they came. Having become un-tethered from reality, completely lacking
any self-respect, members of this terrorist throng of uninformed, unhinged
anti-patriots have no capacity for the self-discipline necessary to act
as responsible members of a democracy. They should consequently be imprisoned, stripped of their American citizenship and forever forbidden to possess guns.
Lock up every traitor who can be identified (thanks for all the selfies, assholes!). And every cop who took a selfie, or otherwise encouraged or enabled these fascist quislings should at a minimum, be forced to undergo re-education to remind them of the oath they took to protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Shame them and on every politician who humored Trump and his amateur army of low-life scumbags. Tie every trump-supporting elected official to these gutless turncoats and drive them from office.
Eliminate the electoral college and increase the number of supreme court justices to match the number of federal circuit court districts (13). Use every lever of power to assure such ignorant, deluded flotsam can never again threaten our beloved republic. Do it now.
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Trump is the tyrant. End the tyranny. |
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